Can I adapt a pattern for circular needles into straight needles?

Can I adapt a pattern for circular needles into straight needles?

A number of DROPS patterns are worked on circular needles. This technique is very popular in many countries in Northern Europe, the UK and the US and is a method with many advantages; you avoid seems and all rounds are worked from the right side.

But if you prefer, you can adapt most patterns for straight needles.

Here's a basic example:

  • The pattern states you need to cast on 200 sts for both the front and the back of a sweater.
  • This means 100 sts are for the front and 100 sts are for the back.
  • Now add 1 edge st at both sides for the seam = 102 st for the front and for the back.
  • Start knitting back and forth. Increases/decreases will be done at each side according to the description in the pattern (when the pattern says to inc or dec on each side of the marker for the sides, instead work inc or dec on each side of the edge sts).

Always read the patterns thoroughly so all actions are clear and write down your adaptations to avoid confusion and errors.

Please pay attention to:

  • If there's a pattern in the design, make sure the number of stitches are matching the lace/structure or colour pattern.
  • Raglan or round yokes are more complicated and can be difficult to adapt to straight needles. If you find this too difficult, a suggestion could be to work the body and sleeves on straight needles and then work only the yoke on circular needles.
  • Results may vary from the original design when making your own adaptations!

Some of the patterns for circular needles (e.g. jackets, cardigans and shawls) are worked back and forth on them – this is often done if there are many stitches on the needles, since circular needles are longer than straight needles. In many cases you will be able to work these patterns on a straight needle – just make sure that all stitches will fit on the needle.

Would you like to learn to knit in circular needles? You can find lots of help in the DROPS Tutorial Videos. We have videos showing how to work on circular needles, both back and forth and in the round. Take a look in the video index under the letter "C" for Circular needle

Many DROPS stores also offer workshops or classes. Contact your store for more information

Comments (84)

Annie wrote:

Quand on a essayé l\'aiguille circulaire, on ne peux plus s\'en passer. Le tricot ne pèse plus sur la longueur d\'une aiguille droite puisqu\'il se trouve sur un câble placé sur les genoux.

12.11.2016 - 20:10:

Conny Lipp wrote:

Moin und danke für Ihre Mühen! Viele Anregungen habe ich von Ihrer Seite bekommen. Doch gerade Muster, die ich nach Angabe in Hin - und Rückreihen stricke, weiß ich nicht für eine Rundstricknadel, die nur immer in eine Richtung gestrickt wird zu übersetzen. Wie, bitte, mache ich das? Danke! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Conny Lipp

17.03.2016 - 10:32:

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Conny, Sie meinen also Pullover, die in Hin-und Rückreihen beschrieben sind, in Runden arbeiten? Das geht nur bis zum Aumausschnitt - und Sie nehmen die Maschenzahl von Vorder- und Rückteil ohne die Randmasche. Achten Sie aber auf eventuelle Muster und Seitenabnahmen.

21.03.2016 - 10:37:

Frida wrote:

Bedankt voor het beantwoorden van de vraag die ik gesteld heb. Met vriendelijke groet Frida

07.12.2015 - 13:41:

Ase White wrote:

Do you have patterns for knitting machines?

23.10.2015 - 20:31:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs White, many of our patterns/yarns can be knitted with a knitting machine - for any individual assistance please contact your DROPS Store or any forum specialized in knitting machine. Happy knitting!

26.10.2015 - 08:41:

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