How to crochet the square in DROPS 94-7

Keywords: krajkový vzor, čtverec, šály,

In this DROPS video we show how to crochet the square for the Cosmos shawl in DROPS 94-7. Furthermore we show how to crochet square no. 2 together with square no. 1 as on Diagr. 1. This shawl is crochet in 1 strand DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk together with 1 strand DROPS Alpaca, but in the video we crochet with a thicker yarn, 1 strand DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the picture below.

To see how you work the triangle for this shawl, go to: How to crochet the triangle in DROPS 94-7

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