Hvordan hækles pandebåndet i DROPS 190-8

Keywords: blomst, hulmønster, pandebånd,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan vi hækler pandebåndet Emmylou i DROPS 190-8. Vi viser begyndelsen (A.1/A.3), 1 rapport af A.2 og slutningen (A.3/A.1) på hver række. Vi hækler et mindre antal masker end hvad der står i opskriften og hækler bare A.2 3 ganger.

Dette pandebånd er hæklet i DROPS Muskat, men i videoen bruger vi et tykkere garn; DROPS Snow.

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Kommentarer (3)

Manon Lemire wrote:

In the diagram explanations the x = double crochet in stich (dc) When I follow your video the x= single crochet (sc). Is there a mistake in the text or the video.? Thank you, really cute headband

01.01.2024 - 21:46

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lemire, make sure you are following the correct English terminology as UK and US have different terminology: 1 dc (UK-English) is 1 sc (US-English). Happy crocheting!

02.01.2024 - 12:36

Shirley wrote:

Do you have a video that show how to do this head band right from the beginning?

27.06.2020 - 16:29

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Shirley, at the very beginning, work as explained in the written pattern, ie crochet 103 chain stitches, then 1 row with double crochets, halftrebles and trebles (skipping then every 7th chain) finishing with halftrebles and double crochets (UK-English). Happy crocheting!

29.06.2020 - 14:26

Ruth Elliott wrote:

There is no video available to me on this page. Is there some way I can get access to it? Many thanks

29.05.2020 - 11:03

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Elliot, make sure your browser is updated - you can check vimeos FAQ on their website or follow us on You Tube where you can find all our videos. Happy crocheting!

02.06.2020 - 11:06

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