Hvordan strikkes huen i DROPS 192-4

Keywords: diagram, forskudt, hue,

I denne DROPS video strikker vi efter diagram A.1 - størrelse S/M, men har slået et mindre antal masker op end hvad der står i opskriften (48 masker/ 3 rapporter af A.1). Vi viser hvordan de 8 første masker af 1.række strikkes, derefter viser vi dele af 5. og 6. række og til sidst hvordan mønsteret bliver når A.1 er færdigstrikket.

Denne huen er strikket i DROPS Lima og DROPS Kid-Silk, men i videoen bruger vi DROPS Snow.

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Kommentarer (4)

Elizabeth wrote:

The yarn over between the 2 stitches...I don't understand when you say "the yarn is twisted on the next round to avoid a hole". How is the yarn to be twisted. I don't understand. Thank you for your help. This pattern is absolutely beautiful.

26.07.2023 - 19:25

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Elizabeth, in the following video it shows how to work both types of the yarn over: the first one knitted and the second one twisted: https://www.garnstudio.com/video.php?id=12&lang=en. Happy knitting!

27.07.2023 - 09:43

Carol Maitland wrote:

Hi want to knit this lovely set in the future.Could you tell me how to follow the chart,it is my first time doing so.Also whe putting the kid silk and lima wool together can I combine like colors or colors that are slightly differnt.The pattern is so pretty.\r\n\r\nThks Carol.

24.11.2022 - 14:35

Bermene_coyu wrote:


02.10.2019 - 06:29

Effe wrote:

My question has nothing to do with the video per se (the explanation is clear and simply perfect and I can't wait to start knitting this hat) but I've been searching your shop to find similar short circular needles but in vain.. could you please tell me which lenght have the needles you are using and if they are available? Thank you!

01.11.2018 - 10:36

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Effe, we are using small circular needle in 40 cm length from our Line DROPS Pro Classic. Happy knitting!

01.11.2018 - 14:35

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