How to work a loose pocket on the inside of a garment

Keywords: kabátky, kapsa, pulovry,

In this DROPS video we show how we work a loose pocket on the inside of a garment, which is worked to the jacket "Meet the Sun" in DROPS 200-6.

We have already worked the 1st part of the pocket (which will lie closest to the garment) and one front piece, and start the video by putting stitches from the front piece to a stitch holder and work the first part of the pocket to the front piece. Then we put the stitch back from the stitch holder back to the needle and work the 2nd part of the pocket (which will lie close to the body, but when we work this part it will be on the outside of the garment). Sew the pockets parts inside the 1 edge stitch. Then fasten to the inside of the jacket with one small neat stitch in each of the bottom corners

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video.

You also need to read the pattern as well as watch the video. You will find a pattern with this pocket by clicking on the picture below.

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Komentáře (3)

Clarice Maria Zamuner-Teschke wrote:

Meu nome é Clarice Maria Zamuner -Teschke e sou do Brazil. Moro no Pampa Gaucho. Perto da Argentina e Uruguay. Agradeço muito o vídeo. Espero conseguir fazer o bolso para minha neta de quatro anos. Muito obrigada de todo coração. Danke. Merci.

28.05.2023 - 11:23

Kissné Lászlóné Gabi wrote:

Köszönöm nagyon nagy segítség volt!!!

23.09.2022 - 12:15

SilkeBe wrote:

Danke, für das super Video... manchmal steht man echt auf dem Schlauch und kann dann hier noch mal nachschauen

12.11.2020 - 17:21

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