How to work a bobble with 4 treble crochets

Keywords: bobbles, shawl,

In this DROPS video we show how to work a bobble with 4 treble crochets, used in the «Slice of summer» shawl in DROPS 200-21. Work as follows around chain space below: Put the hook under the chain space and get the thread, 4 treble crochets but wait with last yarn over and pull through on each of these treble crochets, put the hook under the chain space and get the thread, make a yarn over and pull through all 7 loops on hook. «Slice of summer» shawl are worked in DROPS Safran, but in the video we work with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow. You also need to read the pattern and look at charts as well as watch the video. You will find a pattern with this bubble by clicking on the picture below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

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