Hvordan hækles pufmasker frem og tilbage efter diagram - Baby 36-3

Keywords: bobler, diagram, pufmasker, struktur, tæppe,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan pufmasker hækles frem og tilbage, som blandt andet er brugt i babytæppet «Big Dreams» i DROPS Baby 36-3.Vi bruger garnet DROPS Snow i videoen.

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Kommentarer (3)

Roro wrote:

In the second row shown in the video (at approx 04:50), the pattern states 'skip 1 puff-stitch + 1 chain stitch, work 1 treble crochet in next treble crochet'. It looks in the video like a puff stitch is missed but then a treble crochet is worked into the chain stitch instead of missing the chain stitch and working into the next treble crochet. Please advise on this. Thanks.

27.07.2020 - 17:39

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Roro, crochet 1 treble crochet in the treble crochet from previous row, 1 chain stitch, then crochet 1 puff stitch in the skipped chain stitch (before the treble crochet from previous row). Happy crocheting!

29.07.2020 - 12:57

Lilian wrote:

Me encantó el punto y muy linda la Mantita de bebé... trataré de hacerla Muchas gracias

26.05.2020 - 16:09

V Ushakiran Mamjunatha wrote:

Please teach from the beginning..

06.04.2020 - 17:10

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