How to increase for the yoke for a garment with a saddle shoulder

Keywords: jacket, neck warmer, saddle shoulder, stocking stitch, sweater, top down,

In this DROPS video we show how to increase for the yoke for a garment with saddle shoulder by increasing 8 stitches on one round. This technique is used in the "Country Muse" sweater in DROPS 216-40 and the "Country Muse Cardigan" jacket in DROPS 216-39. We have already worked a neckline, increases for saddle shoulders and sleeve and start the video by moving sleeve markers to the stitches where increase for the yoke should be. Increase like this: Start before the marker-stitch, use left needle to pick up strand between 2 stitches from the row below, pick up strand from behind and knit stitch in front loop, work marker-stitch in stocking stitch as before, use left needle to pick up strand between 2 stitches from the row below, pick up strand from the front and knit stitch in back loop (= 1 stitch increased on each side of the marker-stitch). The sweater in DROPS 216-40 and the jacket in DROPS 216-39 are worked in DROPS Lima, but in the video we use a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow. You must read a pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern using this technique by clicking on one of the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (3)

Catriona wrote:

Pattern 216-40 Country Muse I am now on the yoke increase with 284 stitches and 12 cm from sleeve increase start. I already have 48 stitches between the sleeve markers with the 4 A1 stitches on the outside of the markers and stocking stitch over the sleeve. I don’t see why I have to move the markers as they already seem to be in the right place with the correct number of stitches?

12.01.2024 - 08:29

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Catriona, you should have a total of 50 sts between markers after increases for sleeves: 16 sts increased, 18 sts, 16 sts increased; insert a marker in the first of these 50 sts and in the last of these 50 sts, you have now 48 stitches for the sleeve. Happy knitting!

12.01.2024 - 08:40

Catriona wrote:

I am now on the yoke increase with 284 stitches and 12 cm from sleeve increase start. I already have 48 stitches between the sleeve markers with the 4 A1 stitches on the outside of the markers and stocking stitch over the sleeve. I don’t see why I have to move the markers as they already seem to be in the right place with the correct number of stitches?

11.01.2024 - 16:37

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Catriona, could you tell us which pattern you are working on, or write your question in the section under the pattern so that we can check together and help you? Thanks for your comprehension. Happy knitting!

12.01.2024 - 08:22

Irene Brown wrote:

I am knitting Blue Pebbles baby jumper and am unclear as to where markers are placed after neckband if complere and when needle size is changed. Can someone help please? The tutorial only advises on increasing method. Thanks.

29.03.2023 - 20:40

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Irene, you change the needle size after working 4cm of rib and knitting 1 row (with increases) and purling 1 row. Here, you will change the needle size. The marker for the start of the row is in mid-back, from where we start to count. Markers are inserted betweeen stitches, not inside them. From the first marker, count 15-21 stitches (depending on size) and insert the next marker. Count 10-14 stitches more from here and insert the next marker, 26-38 stitches, insert the next marker, 10-14 stitches, insert the next marker, there should be 15-21 stitches left. We should have 5 markers: one marks the beginning of the row and the others are used for increases. Happy knitting!

02.04.2023 - 16:10

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