How to increase by knitting around the strand between 2 stitches

Keywords: jacket, jumper, raglan,

In this DROPS video we show how to increases 3 stitches by knitting around the strand between 2 stitches, between the strand in the round you are working on and around the strand 2 and 3 rounds down. We increases both before and after the markers.

Increase after a marker like this:
Knit 1 around strand between stitch with marker and next stitch (= 1 round down), knit 1 around strand between stitch with marker and next stitch 2 rounds down (make sure to pull the strand long enough not to tighten vertically), knit 1 around strand between stitch with marker and next stitch 3 rounds down (make sure to pull the strand long enough not to tighten vertically). 1 stitch has been worked on each of the last 3 rounds (= 3 stitches increased).

Increase before a marker like this:
Work until stitch with marker, knit 1 around strand before stitch with marker 3 rounds down (make sure to pull the strand long enough not to tighten vertically), knit 1 around strand before stitch with marker and 2 rounds down (make sure not to pull the strand long enough not to tighten vertically), knit 1 around strand before stitch with marker on previous round. 1 stitch has been worked on each of the last 3 rounds (= 3 stitches increased).

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video.
You must read a pattern with this technique to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern by clicking on the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (1)

Carol Nuttall wrote:

Is this how you do the M1 AND M2 AND M3 in the baby poncho?

26.09.2021 - 17:56

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Carol, could you specify the pattern number of the poncho you are working?

26.09.2021 - 20:12

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