How to start working a garment in English rib after charts - Part 2

Keywords: chytový vzor, kabátky, pulovry, sedlový rukáv, shora dolů, vesty,

In this DROPS video we show how to continue working after charts A.1, A.2 and A.3 used in the Mountain Moraine vest in DROPS 210-4 and the Easy Over vest in DROPS 217-13.

We have already worked chart A.1 once in height and now only A.1a is repeated over A.1 in height. In the video we show how to work round 9. (increase round) and round 10, then we work round 15 (increase round) and round 16. Then we work A.2a over A.2 and A.3a over A.3 (we show the first round of A.2a and A.3a). When all the increases are finished (read the pattern for the number of increases), work A.1a over all stitches until the work has the correct measurements (read the pattern for measurements). Adjust so the next round is purled.

These vests are worked in DROPS Air, but in the video we use a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern and look at the charts to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find patterns by clicking on one of the pictures below and other relevant videos.

Komentáře (3)

Gemmita wrote:

No encuentro video parte 1 para prenda en punto ingles siguiendo el diagrama.

27.04.2024 - 16:26

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Gemmita, puedes encontrar los videos en la sección "videos" del patrón en concreto. Aquí tienes la parte 1:

28.04.2024 - 22:42

Henri Bonhomme wrote:

Ne peut on faire les manches sans reprendre les mailles du dos et du devant jusqu'à 15 cm plus ba s que l'emmanchure

24.11.2021 - 19:18

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mr Bonhomme, je ne suis pas bien certaine de comprendre, pour tricoter les manches, on va relever les mailles le long de l'emmanchure en commençant en bas, au fil marqueur du devant (manche gauche), tricoter les 15 mailles en attente et relever les mailles le long du dos et tricoter ainsi en rond. Vous pouvez toutefois tout à fait modifier les manches à votre convenance. Bon tricot!

25.11.2021 - 09:39

Dora Alicia Ramirez Lesmes wrote:

Quiero aprender a tejer un chaleco de 3 piezas en dos agujas pero especialmente de la sisa hasta el cuello me defiendo en las puntadas gracias

11.03.2021 - 23:33

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Dora, no hacemos vídeos personalizados. Puedes consultar nuestra selección de chalecos y ver los vídeos para ayudar a realizar la labor debajo de los patrones.

28.03.2021 - 20:17

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