How to block a finished project

Keywords: good to know, lace,

In this DROPS video we show how to block a little piece of the side on a shawl.

To block is simply just to stretch a moist finished project and place it in a desired shape to dry. The process is repeated each time the garment is washed to keep the right shape.

Put the shawl in lukewarm water until it is soaking wet. Gently squeeze out the water from the shawl - do not twist!
The shawl should be only slightly damp when placed on a carpet, mattress or blocking boards - carefully stretch it to the correct measure and secure the edges with pins. The knitting needle we put in the shawl shows the knitting direction.

Let the shawl dry. At the end of the video, we show the difference between the side that has been blocked and the side that hasn't.

REMEMBER to also read instructions in the pattern in addition to watch our video, sometimes you are supposed to put the pins following a specific pattern on your piece to create tips.

NB! It is very important not to stretch the finished project too much, but just stretch it to the measurement that are written in the pattern.

You’ll find patterns by clicking on the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (24)

Alexandra wrote:

Bonjour est ce que la laine muskat se détend un peu au blocage? Merci

30.05.2024 - 08:53

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Alexandra, tout dépend de la laine et de votre tension, bloquez votre échantillon au préalable si besoin, vous aurez ainsi une idée du résultat avant/après. Bon tricot!

30.05.2024 - 16:03

Mona wrote:

Kan man blokke Drops Air?

27.05.2024 - 14:26

Rene wrote:

I am knitting your Winters Night Enchantment pattern with the recommended Merino Extra Fine which is a superwash yarn. I have read that superwash grows when blocked. How much do I need to factor that in when determining my size/dimensions?

17.12.2023 - 07:05

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Rene, the measurements indicated in the measurements schematic should be the final measurements. This garment does not need to be blocked. You can see in the webpage for this yarn here:, in the Care section, after the colours, how to care for this garment so that it doesn't stretch. Happy knitting!

17.12.2023 - 17:38

Rachel Dowding wrote:

I'm knitting a baby blanket using 2 strands of Alpaca and a simple seed stitch pattern. The pattern doesn't really show up, but just looks like uneven knitting. I'm wondering if blocking it and spraying (once it's finished) will help, or would it be better to wash it and then block? Thanks in advance for your help. Rachel

27.11.2023 - 23:27

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Dowding, with a seed stitch pattern you might just wash it and let it dry flat. Happy knitting!

28.11.2023 - 09:11

Kate wrote:

Hi, i just finished a sweater in drops lima and the washing instructions say not to let the project soak, so i was just curious as to what the best blocking method would be for the yarn and is it okay to block it on a towel as some of the yarn tips for drops say not to do that? any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

08.11.2022 - 17:31

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kate, avoid as possible to let dry on a towel - read more here - you can simply moisten the piece or wash it following the care instructions and let dry flat to the finished measurements. Happy knitting!

09.11.2022 - 08:57

Jacqueline Garolle wrote:

Bonjour à vous merci pour tout 👌vidéos laines et modèles ma question est la suivante est-ce que bloquer un ouvrage avec une pattemouille humide et un fer à vapeur est bien Merci pour votre réponse

24.09.2022 - 20:34

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Garolle, tout dépend de la laine que vous utilisez, certaines ne supportent pas le fer à repasser, la technique montrée dans la vidéo peut se faire avec toutes les qualités de laine. Bon tricot!

26.09.2022 - 12:02

Anita wrote:

Hei. Får ikke spilt av denne videoen, kan det være noe feil på den?

06.01.2021 - 08:57

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Anita. Ja, her var det en link som var feil. Dette er nå ordnet og du kan nå se videoen. Takk for at du gjorde oss oppmerksom på dette. mvh DROPS design

11.01.2021 - 14:03

Tini Von Nessen wrote:

Hallo, ich verstehe nicht ganz, wie man das Tuch 146-28 Wings abkettet. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe. Lieben Gruß

27.09.2020 - 22:32

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Frau Von Nessen, Sie sollen mit Umschläge abketten,dh die Umschläge so oft arbeiten, wie beschrieben - dieses Video zeigt, wie man mit Umschläge abkettet. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

28.09.2020 - 11:20

Wiebranda wrote:

Hallo, ik vroeg me af of je ook kledingstukken die niet van wol zijn moet/kunt blokken: bv katoen, viscose en ik maak nu een trui van Eucaluptusblaadjes.

14.05.2020 - 20:57

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Wiebranda,

Kledingstukken van katoen hoef je niet te blokken/ op te spannen. Dit is alleen voor (dunne) wolgarens met kantpatronen.

05.08.2020 - 21:15

Merja wrote:

What yarn is it, in this video?

13.04.2020 - 17:10

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Merja, it can be either DROPS Lace or DROPS BabyAlpaca Silk - as suggested in the First Frost shawl pattern shown in the video. Happy knitting!

15.04.2020 - 08:33

Buster wrote:

Fotbollströjor barn Buster KatiaMah England Tröja Carloszb JoieXmq Buster

07.12.2019 - 13:25

Kamila wrote:

Do you recommend different methods of blocking garments made from different fibers? For example if I make a hat out of Drops Alpaca yarn is it better to submerge it in water and dry out on a head model or place it on a model while dry and spray it with water and then let it dry? Is there a post about best methods of blocking for specific fibers?

24.11.2019 - 00:48

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kamilla, the method of blocking depends on how strong you want to change the knitting. For example, when blocking a lace shawl, where you really want to open up the stitches, strong blocking is recomended, and you can achieve this by submerging the piece, and pull the edges until the piece is really thaught. When you want to even out the stitches, submerging the piece in warm water, and pull the piece to shape is the good method. When you don't really want to change the piece just give it a proper finishing, spraying or steaming can be enough. Happy Crafting!

06.12.2019 - 00:42

Monika Fransson wrote:

Hej! Kan man blocka ett plagg stickat i drops sky?

20.05.2019 - 13:23

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Monika, DROPS Sky er et helt andet garn og meget elastisk, så du får ikke samme effekt som når du blockar ett sjal i DROPS Lace.

31.05.2019 - 11:49

Molyn wrote:

Hi, Just wanted to know where can I find the shawl pattern thats being blocked? I would love to try to knit it :)

14.05.2019 - 19:18

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Molyn, it's this pattern that is shown in the video. Happy knitting!

15.05.2019 - 08:42

Donatella wrote:

Buonasera, non carica il video

18.10.2018 - 21:07

Amna wrote:

I want free chart pattren

08.09.2018 - 19:10

Marie-Claire wrote:

Hallo, moet je telkens je de omslagdoek wast opnieuw blokken ? Vriendelijke groetjes

21.08.2018 - 12:59

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Marie-Claire: Dit is alleen nodig de eerste keer na het breien. Als je hem de volgende keer wast, leg hem dan plat neer (in vorm) te drogen.

23.08.2018 - 19:40

Lakshmi wrote:

Hello I just finished the sweater DROPS 56-13 (Neige) in Drops Melody Yarn. It does not have any instructions for blocking. should I steam block or block like above (wet block) it.. and also should I block it in pieces or after it is put together (this also decides when the neck edge is finished). Please could you tell me asap? I would really love to finish it! It is an oversized sweater btw in a blackberry stitch

04.04.2018 - 17:47

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lakshmi, some people rather block each piece before sewing together, other rather block finished projects, and other do not block, so it's just up to you, you are welcome to request individual assistance from your DROPS store, even per mail or telephone. Happy knitting!

05.04.2018 - 09:27

Marleen wrote:

Mijn moeder heeft de stukken breiwerk van een babytruitje van acryl (per ongeluk) gestreken, en nu ziet het er niet uit. De rek eruit, en een blinkend plat stuk. Kan dit nog gered worden? Alvast bedankt voor eventuele tips Marleen

08.03.2018 - 19:15

Pam wrote:

Hallo, De vraag is hierboven al gedeeltelijk beantwoord, maar ik heb toch nog een vraag: ik heb een trui gebreid met Brushed alpaca silk; hij is mooi in vorm. Wordt hij er beter van wanneer ik hem block, of is dat niet echt nodig bij deze wol? Trouwens hartelijk dank voor het fijne patroon (181-19 After the rain:) Met vriendelijke groet, Pam

02.01.2018 - 15:43

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Pam, Als je de trui al mooi is nu, zou ik er verder niet meer aankomen. Zeker niet met Brushed Alpaca Silk, omdat je dan de structuur kan vernielen. Het blocken is vooral voor omslagdoeken (met kantpatronen) zoals in deze video.

08.06.2018 - 10:39

Susanne Bien wrote:

Kann man z.B ein Tuch auch teilweise oder stückweise spannen? Ich habe ein fertiges Tuch und finde keinen Platz wo ich es ganz spannen könnte.

04.04.2016 - 19:41

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Susanne, idealerweise spannt man schon in einem Stück, damit die Endform sichtbar ist. Aber Sie können sich sicher behelfen und das Tuch in 2 Teilen spannen. Achten Sie darauf, dass es sich nicht verzieht.

05.04.2016 - 07:47

Katrin Dieryck wrote:

Hoe blok ik best een trui gebreid met brushed alpaca silk en eentje met cloud gebreid ? Ik zie op het etiket staan dat ze niet te nat mogen gemaakt worden en ik wil ook het aspect van het pluizige niet verliezen. Alvast bedankt, Katrin

11.12.2015 - 19:49

DROPS Design answered:

Hoi Katrin. Je kan eventueel de trui vochtig maken met een spray, netjes in vorm brengen en plat laten drogen.

16.12.2015 - 09:57

Claudia wrote:

Liebes Drops-Team! Funktioniert das Spannen eines Fair Isles Musters genauso? Insbesondere das Erstmalige Spannen? Meine Jacke ist noch ein wenig ungleichmäßig. ANTWORT: Liebe Claudia, ja das Spannen von Fair Isle geht im Prinzip gleich. Gutes Gelingen für Ihre Jacke!

25.08.2014 - 10:23

زیبا wrote:

لطفا به فارسی هم ترجمه کنید ممنون

21.06.2014 - 17:04

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