How to knit the hood in DROPS 156-1

Keywords: kapucni, kardigán, rövidített sorok,

In this DROPS video we show how to knit the hood on the popular Snow Princess jacket in DROPS 156-1.

We knit size S. We have already cast on 116 sts (incl 2 edge sts in GARTER ST (= K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K), in each side of piece) and work 1 ridge in garter st. Then work BAMBOO PATTERN back and forth (=Row 1 (= RS): * 1 YO, K 2, pass YO over 2 K sts *, repeat from *-*. Row 2 (= WS): P all sts.
Repeat rows 1 and 2), with 2 edge sts in garter st in each side (continue the 2 edge sts in garter st in each side until finished measurements).
When piece measures 38 cm (our swatch measures 22 cm), work as follows from RS: Pattern as before over the first 30 sts, garter st over the next 56 sts AT THE SAME TIME dec 12 sts evenly, pattern over the remaining 30 sts = 104 sts. Continue back and forth until 3 ridges have been worked over the middle sts, AT THE SAME TIME on 2nd row from RS inc 4 sts evenly over sts in garter st, and on 3rd row from RS inc 4 sts evenly over sts in garter st = 112 sts.

Now work an elevation in back of neck in garter st as follows from RS: Work until 30 sts remain, turn, work until 30 sts remain, turn, work until 40 sts remain, turn, work until 40 sts remain, turn, work until 50 sts remain, turn, work until 50 sts remain, turn, work until 55 sts remain, turn, work until 55 sts remain, turn and work the rest of row (pattern over the last 30 sts).

This jacket is made in DROPS Nepal, but in the video we knit with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern to follow. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the picture below.

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Megjegyzések (2)

Sarah wrote:

I have read and reread the pattern, unfortunately patterns are new for me. I'm self taught from videos, but I know how to read patterns. I'm Workin on the hood and I'm confused about how to increase 4 after the the row of decreasing 12. I've watershed the video many many times, it is just a little fast. Is there a video with audio or a slower video I could watch?

10.12.2018 - 15:18

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Sarah, work the decrease row as follows: pattern as before over the first 30 sts, work then garter stitch over the next 56 stitches while decreasing 12 stitches (= 44 stitches remain in garter stitch) and work the elast 30 sts as before. < a href="">Read here how to decrease evenly over these 56 sts. Happy knitting!

11.12.2018 - 10:21

Patricia Escaalona F wrote:


07.04.2015 - 18:10

Küldjön megjegyzést ehhez a videóhoz

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