Como tricotar A.1 e A.2 do modelo DROPS 159-26

Keywords: panos, quadrado, textura,

Neste vídeo DROPS, mostramos-lhe como tricotar os toalhetes seguindo os diagramas A.1 e A.2 do modelo DROPS 159-26.
No vídeo, já tricotámos 3 barras em ponto jarreteira. Estes toalhetes são feitos com o fio DROPS Cotton Light, mas, no vídeo, usamos um fio mais grosso, o DROPS Snow.
Deverá ler as explicações e ver os diagramas para poder seguir devidamente este vídeo. Encontrará as explicações do modelo ao clicar na fotografia abaixo.

O vídeo abaixo pode ser usado nos seguintes modelos

Comentários (9)

Carolane wrote:

Bonjour, je ne comprends pas du tout le diagramme A1 et A2, j’aimerais avoir des explications supplémentaires et plus claires pour ma part! Merci beaucoup!

10.07.2021 - 04:46

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Carolane, le diagramme A.1 se tricote en début de rang seulement, vous répétez ensuite A.2: Rang1 (endroit): A.1 = 1 m end, et répétez A.2 = (2 m env, 1 m end). Rang 2 (envers): répétez A.2 (= 1 m env, 2 m end), terminez par A.1 = 1 m env. Rang 3 et 4: 2 rangs jersey (= rang 3 = à l'endroit sur l'endroit, rang 4 = à l'envers sur l'envers). Bon tricot!

12.07.2021 - 08:51

Kirsten wrote:

Was heißt A1 und A2.

23.02.2020 - 17:15

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Kirsten, A.1 und A.2 sind die beide Diagramme, die man stricken soll, wenn mann dieses Modell strickt. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

24.02.2020 - 10:39

Jeanette Duurvoort wrote:

What does NOT make sense is A1 is one knit -ONE stitch- but A2 is two stitches witch really is not reflected accurately on the graph as the knitter points to one X-one stitch, not a combination of stitches. Frankly, I am surprised that this has not been redone upon the request of as many unanswered people that have viewed this.

28.08.2019 - 16:01

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Duurvoort, A.1 is only 1 stitch and then you repeat A.2 (= 3 sts) in width; ie work as follows: Row 1 (RS): K1 (A.1), *P2, K1 (= A.2)*, repeat from *-*. Row 2 (WS): *P1, K2 (= A.2)*, repeat from *-* and finish with P1 (= A.1). Then work 2 rows stocking stitch over all stitches (= Row 3: K from RS ; Row 4: P from WS). Happy knitting!

29.08.2019 - 09:47

Audette wrote:

Tricoter 3 côtes je ne comprend pas les côtes

30.04.2019 - 02:21

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Audette, dans ce modèle, on commence par 3 côtes mousse - 1 côte mousse = 2 rangs endroit (cf POINT MOUSSE dans les explications); On va donc commencer par tricoter 6 rangs endroit, puis tricoter les diagrammes. On termine ensuite par 3 côtes mousse = 6 rangs endroit et on rabat. Bon tricot!

30.04.2019 - 10:21

Melissa wrote:

Just in case anyone was wondering, in the video, the instructor makes her purl stitches using the Norwegian technique. That may be confusing for someone used to Continental or English style knitting. A2 on the right side is "purl 2, knit one" to the last three stitches; on the wrong side it's "knit one, purl 2" after the first three and before the last three stitches. If you want to learn Norwegian purling, there are lots of video tutorials on YouTube. Does Drops Design have one too?

14.07.2018 - 00:03

Barbara Schmidt wrote:

Tolle Anleitung für Strickanfänger. Allerdings fände ich es besser, wenn dabei auch gesprochen würde. Das erleichtert oft das Verständnis!

11.05.2018 - 10:23

Anna wrote:

Varför inte göra ett lättare diagram?

23.03.2018 - 13:22

Lanie wrote:

Nice pattern. Helpful if instructions could be slower. Tried pausing to follow A.2 stitch but still difficult to follow.

29.12.2017 - 22:40

Karla wrote:

I like the pattern, but she is little to fast for me to understand.

10.03.2015 - 16:50

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Karla, remember you can press the pause button as often as necessary. Happy knitting!

16.03.2015 - 10:35

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