Rzędy skrócone – koc

Keywords: koc, rzędy skrócone,

W tym video DROPS przedstawiamy jak przerobić rzędy skrócone we wzorze koca. UWAGA - poza obejrzeniem video należy również przeczytać objaśnienia do wzoru. Aby zobaczyć ten model kliknij na 157-50

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Komentarze (4)

Lisa wrote:

Parabéns pela seriedade do trabalho! Maravilhoso! Muito obrigada!

22.11.2019 - 13:20

Sandor Istvanne wrote:


21.08.2019 - 22:09

Marianna Apostolopoulou wrote:

I need help how I made the second square. I make the first square but I don't figer out how to make the second square. Old help and make a step by step video for the second and more square. Thank you.

26.07.2019 - 21:46

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Apostolopoulou, when working the 2nd square, you will repeat the first "triangle" as you worked the first one, but then after the 2nd triangle from 1st square (just as shown in the fig A.1), then work the 2nd half of 2nd square (= 2nd triangle) ans you worked the 2nd half (= 2nd triangle) on first square. Just follow chart and arrows showing the knitting directions. Happy knitting!

08.08.2019 - 11:47

Nina wrote:

Hei ! Video som viser vending,er altfor kjapp i svingen. Er det mulig å ta det fra a til å ? Vh Nina

05.07.2016 - 22:04

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Nina. Vi har desvaerre ikke en anden video lige nu, du kan evt stoppe den hen ad vejen.

08.11.2016 - 15:27

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