Hækle: Starten af 2.del af sjalet/stolaen i DROPS 164-8

Keywords: diagram, halstørklæde, hulmønster, viftemønster,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan vi hækler starten af 2. del af sjalet/stolaen i DROPS 164-8. Vi har et andet maskeantal i videoen end i opskriften, men princippet er det samme, bare HUSK at man også skal læse opskriften i tillæg til at se videoen.

For at se hvordan man hækler diagrammerne i denne opskriften, gå til: Hækl: Diagram A.1, A.2 og A.3 i DROPS 164-8

For at se opskriften til sjalet/stolaen, se DROPS 164-8

Videoen over kan bruges i følgende opskrifter

Kommentarer (2)

Linda wrote:

I would like to thank you for all your efforts making these videos...I always watch them to understand what I have to do! (And I'm really bad in knitting and crochet ;-) ) Regards Linda

28.11.2015 - 13:33

Carole Edwards wrote:

There is no sound and the video was to fast to understand the stitches.

28.08.2015 - 20:46

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Edwards, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Remember to read the pattern and follow diagram at the same time as watching the video, you can click on the "pause" button at any time to make it slower. Happy crocheting!

31.08.2015 - 11:38

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