Bølgemønster til DROPS 163-17

Keywords: bølgemønster, diagram, tæppe,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan man strikker diagrammet A.1 i DROPS 163-17. Vi strikker 3 kant-masker i hver side og strikker A.1 2 gange i bredden. Vi har allerede strikket A.1 2 gange i højden og starter videoen med 6. pind i diagrammet , fra vrangen.
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Kommentarer (2)

Karen Delaney wrote:

My apologies. I am so used to yarn over wraps being done as part of the knit stitch that I missed them as being done independently. So it wasn't the last row of the pattern I was having an issue with it was the pattern row. My brain was having a discombobulation obviously - lol. All is good now and I know I didn't say it before but I do love your patterns. Would be even better if I could get your wool as well.

03.09.2015 - 01:40

Karen Delaney wrote:

Whom ever it is demonstrating this pattern has not read the instructions. I watched the video a number of times thinking I had missed something but I hadn't. This demo drops both yarn over wraps from the next row instead of dropping just one and knitting the other. Knitting the way the video shows will result in 6 less stitches for each pattern repeat.

01.09.2015 - 11:14

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Delaney, on last row from WS in diagram we show in the video how to K 1st yo and drop 2nd yo = only 1 of the 2 yo's are worked, number of sts will be constant (compensated by the dec made on previous row). Happy knitting!

01.09.2015 - 16:47

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