How to cast off with a picot edge in DROPS 169-8

Keywords: kendő, pikó, szegély,

In this DROPS video we show you how to cast off with a picot edge. In the video we knit like this:

Cast off the first 2 sts on needle. (*insert right needle in between the 2 first sts on left needle (i.e in between sts on needle not true sts), make a YO on right needle, pull the YO through the sts and slip the YO onto left needle *, repeat from *-* 2 more times (= 3 new sts on left needle). ** K first st on left needle, slip first st on right needle over last st worked **), repeat from **-** 7 times in total and repeat from (-) along the side of the shawl until 1 sts remains. Cut the yarn and pull it through the last st.

This shawl is made in DROPS Lace, but in the video we knit with a thicker yarn, DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern and look at the charts to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the picture below.

A fenti videót a következő minták elkészítéséhez tudjuk alkalmazni

Megjegyzések (1)

MaFrancoise wrote:

Cette video muette du rabattage en picots est parfaite avec en plus les explications écrites pour joindre au patron un grand merci

07.10.2016 - 19:27

Küldjön megjegyzést ehhez a videóhoz

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